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Research |
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Florian Altermatt | Metapopulation and metacommunity ecology in aquatic systems; dispersal and invasion dynamics in dendritic river-landscapes; biodiversity; effects of climate change on butterflies and moths.
Department of Evolutionary Biology and Environmental Studies (UZH) and Eawag, Aquatic Ecology |
Wolf Blanckenhorn | Evolutionary ecology; integration of questions and methods of ecology, life history, population biology, behavior, genetics, functional morphology, phylogenetics and physiology; primary study organisms are dung flies.
Department of Evolutionary Biology and Environmental Studies (UZH) |
Hugo F. Bucher | Palaeontology: Biotic-abiotic interactions during extinctions and recoveries, with emphasis on ammonoids. Morphogenesis of the molluscan shell and the ontogeny-phylogeny relations.
Palaeontological Institute and Museum (UZH) |
Marcus Clauss | Evolutionary morphology, physiology, nutrition and life history, and their relevance for husbandry, of nondomestic mammals, using experiments in zoos, sample collection in the wild, data collection in museums, or work with model domestic species.
Clinic for Zoo Animals, Exotic Pets and Wildlife (UZH) |
Leo Eberl | Our main interest is to unravel the molecular mechanisms underlying the adaptation of Burkholderia species to their natural habitats, including the pathogenic or symbiotic interactions with their eukaryotic hosts.
Department of Plant and Microbial Biology (UZH) |
Damien Farine | Drivers and consequences of social interactions; Ecological drivers of animal societies; Collective behaviour and group decision-making; Computational approaches and modelling; Animal tracking; Movement ecology; Individual specialization.
Department of Evolutionary Biology and Environmental Studies (UZH) |
Ueli Grossniklaus | Research in our laboratory centers on the developmental genetics of plant reproduction. We are interested in both sexual reproduction and apomixis, a form of asexual reproduction through seeds. We use genetic and molecular approaches to identify genes controlling the underlying developmental processes using Arabidopsis thaliana and maize as model systems. Our studies have shown that both genetic and epigenetic mechanisms play a key role in plant reproduction.
Department of Plant and Microbial Biology (UZH) |
Adrian Jäggi | Evolutionary anthropology, evolutionary medicine, behavioral ecology, Bayesian statistics, phylogenetic comparative methods. I do basic research into the evolution and mechanisms of sociality in humans and other primates. I also study how socio-ecological context affects human health and well-being.
Institute of Evolutionary Medicine (UZH) |
Jukka Jokela | Evolutionary ecology, host-parasite coevolution, ecological population genetics, adaptation to environment, maintence of genetic diversity, immunoecology.
Institute of Integrative Biology (ETH), Eawag |
Beat Keller | Fungal disease resistance in cereals, structure and evolution of plant genomes, molecular basis of agronomically important traits, root hair development.
Department of Plant and Microbial Biology (UZH) |
Lukas Keller | Ecology, evolution, and genetics of small or fragmented populations in the wild.
Department of Evolutionary Biology and Environmental Studies (UZH) |
Michael Kessler | My research is centered on the biotic and abiotic factors determining patterns of species diversity and the distribution of species, especially in the tropics.
Department of Systematic and Evolutionary Botany (UZH) |
Kathelijne Koops | I am interested in the evolutionary origins of ape behaviour, including our own. My research specifically focusses on tool use and culture and involves field work across the African continent (Guinea, DRC, Rep of Congo, Uganda). | Department of Evolutionary Anthropology (UZH) |
Roger Kouyos | Mathematical Modelling and Evolution of Infectious Diseases, Quantitative and Computational approaches to Infection and Immunity, Epidemiology, Bioinformatics, Drug resistance Evolution.
Division of Infectious Diseases and Hospital Epidemiology, University Hospital Zurich (UZH) |
Rolf Kümmerli | Microbial Evolutionary Ecology. We investigate evolutionary dynamics between cooperative and non-cooperative (cheating) bacteria during experimental evolution, in the field, and at the single-cell level. We further examine the role of these dynamics for virulence evolution in host models.
Department of Systematic and Evolutionary Botany (UZH) |
Michael Krützen | Evolutionary genetics approaches to understand the origins and evolution of human behaviour and cultures; focus on a comparative approach using great apes, other primates, and taxa with similar life history parameters, such as cetaceans.
Department of Evolutionary Anthropology (UZH) |
Stefan Lüpold | Evolutionary biology, with main focus on sexual selection and sperm competition; reproductive morphology and physiology, gamete evolution, resource allocation trade-offs, behavioural ecology; phylogenetics, macro- and microevolutionary studies, meta-analyses; main lab organisms currently are Drosophila fruit flies.
Department of Evolutionary Biology and Environmental Studies (UZH) |
Marta Manser | Evolution and mechanisms underlying group coordination; communication and cognitive aspects in mammals in their natural environment.
Department of Evolutionary Biology and Environmental Studies (UZH) |
Andrea Migliano | My work is on comparative behavior of hunter-gatherer populations. I use comparative socioecology, network analyses and experimental psychology to understand how diversity in the hunter-gatherers foraging niche has shaped human specific adaptations such as complex sociality, cumulative culture and pro-sociality.
Department of Evolutionary Anthropology (UZH) |
Jakob Pernthaler | Currently, the importance of limnology increases due to processes like climate change, pollution of surface- and ground-waters. The research focus of the Limnological Station Kilchberg starts with the smallest independent organisms, namely bacteria, but concerns also the huge variety of unicellular eukaryotic organisms (e.g. algae, protozoa).
Department of Plant and Microbial Biology (UZH) |
Catalina Pimiento | Paleobiology: Our research aims to better understand the extinction mechanisms of marine life, especially sharks, and to assess the impacts of species loss on functional diversity. Our ultimate goal is to use this information to provide insights into conservation. To reach our research objectives, we integrate large sets of paleontological and neontological data and apply methods in ecology, evolution, phylogenetics and biogeography.
Palaeontological Institute and Museum (UZH) |
Anne Roulin | Transposable elements (TEs) are mobile DNA sequences which have the capacity to replicate and/or move from one location to another in their host genome. Their copy number and the potential genetic novelty they create can vary drastically between closely related lineages. Thus, the aim of our project is to unravel how TE activity influences population evolution and subsequently local adaptation in the plant model organism Brachypodium distachyon.
Department of Plant and Microbial Biology (UZH) |
Frank Rühli | Researchers at the transdisciplinary Institute of Evolutionary Medicine study evolutionary aspects of e.g. disease aetiology and disease patterns (prevalence, socio-economic stratifications), particularly molecular evolution of pathogens / functional genes (ancient DNA analyses) and secular trends of human morphology.
Institute of Evolutionary Medicine (UZH) |
Marcelo Sánchez | Comparative ontogeny of land vertebrates, palaeobiology of reptiles and mammals, heterochrony in the skeletal system, homology and systematics, palaentological fieldwork in South America and Switzerland.
Palaeontological Institute and Museum (UZH) |
Florian Schiestl | My research interests are chemical and evolutionary ecology of plant-pollinator interactions.
Department of Systematic and Evolutionary Botany (UZH) |
Kentaro K. Shimizu |
Evolutionary and ecological functional genomics, adaptation and speciation in Arabidopsis relatives, molecular population genetics, plant reproductive systems. |
Department of Evolutionary Biology and Environmental Studies (UZH) |
Christoph Vorburger | Evolution and ecology of insect host-parasitoid interactions; Effects of symbiont-conferred resistance on coevolution of hosts and parasitoids.
Andreas Wagner | Evolutionary innovation; molecular evolution of genes, genomes, and complex biological networks, including metabolic and regulatory networks; evolution of robustness in complex systems.
Department of Evolutionary Biology and Environmental Studies (UZH) |
Alex Widmer | Our research focuses on the genetic basis of adaptation, reproductive isolation and speciation, and on the genetics of sex determination in plants. We use population genomic and transcriptomic analyses to identify genes and genomic regions associated with adaptation, reproductive isolation or sex determination and estimate fitness effects in ecological experiments.
Institute of Integrative Biology, (ETH) |
Tobias Züst | Our research focuses on the evolution and chemical ecology of plant-herbivore interactions. Using plant and insect model systems, we study the roles of phytochemical diversity and insect tolerance for specialization, diversification, and speciation in co-evolving species groups.
Department of Systematic and Evolutionary Botany (UZH) |
Judith Burkart | Evolution of primate cognition; cognitive and psychological consequences of cooperative breeding. Experimental studies with nonhuman primates in captivity (comparative psychology). | Department of Evolutionary Anthropology (UZH) |
Research |
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Simon Aeschbacher | Our research integrates population genetic theory, methods development, and application of these to genomic data to answer questions at the interface of demography, selection, and recombination. We study how selection modifies gene flow in speciation, aim at identifying genes that act as barriers to gene flow, and want to understand how deleterious mutations accumulate in populations as a function of demographic history. The overall goal of our work is to understand the evolution and maintenance of genetic diversity in natural populations as well as in our own species.
Department of Evolutionary Biology and Environmental Studies (UZH) |
Chiara Barbieri | Molecular anthropology, human population prehistory, human migration, diffusion and contact. South American prehistory, congruence between gene and language transmission.
Department of Evolutionary Biology and Environmental Studies (UZH) |
Léa Frachon | My research in ecological genomics focuses on the rapid adaptation response of plants to biotic changes such as plant or pollinator communities in a context of ecological realism. | Department of Systematic and Evolutionary Botany (UZH) |
Michael Hautmann | Research focus: Evolution of bivalves, with emphasis on mass extinction events and ensuing recovery; marine biomineralization in response to seawater chemistry; Triassic palaeoenvironments.
Palaeontological Institute and Museum (UZH) |
Martin Häusler | Evolutionary medicine: morphology and diseases of the human skeleton and their relationship to the evolution of bipedal locomotion; evolution of childbirth; hominid body proportions.
Institute for Evolutionary Medicine (UZH) |
Christian Klug | Cephalopod evolution, origin of ammonoids in the Early Devonian with its various palaeobiological aspects (phylogeny, development, ecology, construction).
Palaeontological Institute and Museum (UZH) |
Anna Lindholm | Behavioural ecology and evolutionary genetics. Social evolution. Field and laboratory studies of wild mice.
Department of Evolutionary Biology and Environmental Studies (UZH) |
Reto Nyffeler | My research is focusing on the patterns of diversification in different groups of succulent plants.
Department of Systematic and Evolutionary Botany (UZH) |
Torsten Scheyer | Evolutionary morphology, palaeobiology and (palaeo-) ecology of vertebrates; development of soft and hard tissue structures in vertebrates.
Palaeontological Institute and Museum (UZH) |
Rie Shimizu-Inatsugi | Environmental tolerance of plants, speciation and adaptation by genome duplication (polyploidization), evolution of mating system after polyploidization, evolutionary and ecological genomics.
Department of Evolutionary Biology and Environmental Studies (UZH) |
Simon Townsend | Comparative psychology, comparative linguistics, language evolution, syntax, phonology, semantics, animal behaviour, animal cognition, primates, non-primate mammals and birds.
Department of Comparative Language Science (UZH) |
Niels Verhulst | Vector entomology with a focus on the behaviour of disease vectors. This includes microhabitat selection of mosquitoes and biting midges and the influence of host skin bacterial volatiles on the biting behaviour.
National Centre for Vector Entomology, Institute of Parasitology (UZH) |